Hey, everyone! By now, you probably know us Buds are DJ's on Kiss 96.9 FM, but did you know that our show has been expanded from 10-2, every Saturday? You know what that means... twice the Buds = twice the fun on Kiss 96.9!
On our show we play great music from the 80's, 90's and today's music and talk about everything good in Kentucky from food, fashion, events and people! We explore Kentucky and bring you the best finds. We love our home state and hope to inspire you guys to see all of the beauty and diversity the Bluegrass has to offer.
To listen to our show, simply turn on the radio to Kiss 96.9 FM on Saturdays between 10 am to 2 pm or you can stream us by visiting www.969kissfm.com and clicking on the "Live Stream" button located at the top right of the screen. Another way to listen to us is on the Tune In app and if you miss our show, no worries, you can visit our archives here! So really, there is no excuse! :)
Have an idea or suggestion for the show? Drop us an email at info@kytastebuds.com or message us on any of our social media platforms found @kytastebuds. You never know when you may hear your name on the radio!
The Buds are working harder than ever as our podcast is still in full swing. There are several ways you can listen to "Brunch with the Buds".
1. On Google Play, Soundcloud, Podbean and iTunes.
2. By clicking on our website page kytastebuds.com/bwtb.
3. Last but not least, visiting Kiss's website here.
While you are at it, why not go ahead and like Kiss 96.9's Facebook and Twitter pages as they always have great content and contests you can enter.
Thanks for supporting the Buds! We are having the time of our lives and we could not be doing it without you guys! Much love from the Buds!