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What is KyTasteBuds?

Writer: Leigh RoachLeigh Roach

Often times, Tam and I are asked, "What is KyTasteBuds?" In the early beginning, we really struggled to answer that question as we ourselves didn't really have an answer. We had a vision of what we wanted and where we thought we might go, but no idea how to get there. We had no roadmap, no strategic plan, no one to call and say, "Hey, can we take a class in KyTasteBudding?" But we did know we wanted to get out of our middle-aged ruts, abolish a mundane and routine way of living and have a little fun exploring a state we grew up in but knew little about. It was about discovery...the Bluegrass and ourselves.

As best friends, we have a lot of things in common, but Tam and I are different in many ways. We complement each other well as what one of us seems to lack the other possesses. Not to say that we are perfect as a whole - in fact, far from it. But over the last year, we have grown, established a path and are traveling down it at mach speed with smiles on our faces and friends by our side.

We now know how to answer the question.

1. We are best friends first. As our dear friend Paula would say, we have been through "thick and thin, sick and sin." That is the truth. Our friendship will always come first no matter the workload, next project or upcoming event. We will never take it for granted. Period.

2. We are bloggers. We are definitely not professional journalists, although Tam better than I, but we explore everything from food to fashion, events and experiences, and we write about them. It's cathartic; an online journal of sorts. We will always sway to the positive side as we are all about "What's Good." We have enough negativity in our lives... we certainly don't need to create and spread more.

3. We are ambassadors. Naturally, we want to promote Kentucky tourism to people outside of the state, but more importantly, it's our desire to impact people inside the state, people just like me and Tam, people who need to be reminded to live a little. We want to learn, then inspire. It's a cycle. Experience and share. And the best part is we get to promote Kentucky businesses, do our part to help them flourish, with the objective of keeping this Bluegrass state green - green with dollars that is.

4. We are podcasters. I remember having tacos and margaritas with Tam one month into our blog and saying, wouldn't it be fun to have our own show one day? We laughed and laughed at the prospect of what that would look like, or should I say, sound like, but here we are 14 months later on our 36th episode of Brunch with the Buds. Thanks to all the radio shows and podcasts who have had us on and encouraged us to give it a try. Now here we are and we LOVE it! More than anything, it gives us a chance during our busy week to sit down for an hour and have a conversation. We've also had some amazing guests on the show and hope to build the momentum. You will have to give us a try! Be sure to subscribe. :)

5. We are Kentuckians. We can't express enough how much #KentuckyPride we have in our hearts, but we know we are not alone and that is the main reason KyTasteBuds works. People love Kentucky. We are truly in the right state.

So I hope that makes sense. It certainly does to us now. I am sure we will change and evolve, but we like where this Kentucky train is taking us. And a super, big thank you to everyone who supports us and interacts with us along the way!

So all aboard, y'all. Next stop - no one knows.

And that really is the best part!

To read more of our blogs, visit Also follow us know facebook, twitter, and instagram.

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