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LipSense, Makes Sense

Writer: Tamara SchneiderTamara Schneider

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Being Southern girls, we know the importance of wearing lipstick. We are constantly told by our mommas to, "go and put on some lipstick. You look like you're dead!" But besides making us pretty, it can also do something else, something on the inside that can't be seen, only felt. Wear a bright apple red and it can embolden you with confidence. Feeling demure? A soft pink will do the trick. Dark plums can bring out our sexy side. This painting of our mouths is a ritual that few of us will forgo, so it's no secret that we are always on the lookout for a good lipstick. This past weekend, Leigh and I were more than happy to attend a LipSense party at the beautiful home of Robin Hammond to see what all the buzz is about.

And let's get one thing straight from the get-go. LipSense is one of those products that is sold only through consultants, and just like Pampered Chef, Zija, LuLaRoe, and Thirty-One, they are multi-level marketing companies. There are two schools of thought on these. You either hate them and cringe when you get an email from a long-lost friend who says she wants to get together for coffee and discuss her latest passion, OR, like us, you see these companies as a way for women to empower themselves, be their own boss, and earn money for themselves and their families. We are all for anything that promotes women and their well-being. So rock on!

Now let me tell you about the product. As stated on their company's website, "LipSense is the premier product of SeneGence and is unlike any conventional lipstick, stain or color. As the original long-lasting lip color, it is waterproof, does not kiss-off, smear-off, rub-off or budge-off! Create your own color palette by combining colors from over 50 shades."

Standing around in the kitchen (why does everybody always end up in the kitchen at parties BTW?), we learned from Robin and two of her colleagues about their experience with the lipstick, the company, and how their clients can't get enough of LipSense. They said they could hardly keep it in stock! After finally deciding on one to try on, I carefully executed the 3-step process and voila! I had beautiful berry-colored lips. I can say that the product lived up to the hype. It stayed on the rest of the day and did not dry my lips out like some other longwearing lipsticks I have tried. In addition, it didn't smudge! See below video of the beautiful Haley, to see for yourself! All in all, it was a big hit with the ladies last Saturday who ranged in age from 20-something to those of us with a few more trips around the sun.

The best part, however, was at the end of the party when just a few of us remained and we got to have a real life-affirming conversation. We talked about our commonalities as women, our hopes and ideas, what obstacles we face as wives and mothers, and simply bonded through the sharing of stories. That, friends, is what it's all about. Don't get me wrong, lipstick is fantastic and if I was on a desert island and could only have one makeup item, it would definitely be lipstick. But to be among women who are ambitious and smart and beautiful and hear that they, too, struggle with feelings of unworthiness, of failure, of dissatisfaction, that's bigger than any beauty ritual. Through the sharing of our experiences, we find we are more similar than different, and that's a good thing! No, it's a GREAT thing!

For more information about how you can purchase LipSense products, please visit:

Facebook: LexLips

Please tell Robin, Kentucky Taste Buds sent ya!

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